
Thursday, 22 December 2011



Most of the time he went to many place and met with many friends in the city. His purpose to gain economic condition improves. Some work was so hard although he try to do it properly for his own interest. Only he does the duty for the purpose his career development. He wants to get lot of money but he did not gin any quality for his life. It is a peculiar character of rain. This city wants to a quality full person for the development of life. But his work is unproductive although he was teen age. He move most of the place are important and full of art and culture. Rain wants to get a famous person of his life. A quality was most important of his life but his guidance was very weak so always he moved as an aimless person. One day he sat under large tree (Bangladesh name hat tree is Gojbohoee). So fast he remembered his boyhood scene it was as like a Bangla movie. With in a few time he felt his life style when he a little boy. Rain watched a nothing thing but his was fixed. Rain do not know how to improve his life, he felt that was very difficult works for rain. He thought How to build up his career. A forestation fixed on his face. Really a pathetic mater for Rain was for which he felt. That tree gives him a feeling, childhood memory and a romantic event. Rain’s works are not definite most of the time Rain moves unnecessary but his believes that he can success in life. Last year Rain meets with his friends Arif and Shofiq. But they are not qulityfull friends of Rain, he said that. One day he moves on the railway line then some boys are played with ball and bat long hare as like  student Rain seems that. He go there and talk about his condition of  life. The students name is Giari, he talks friendly with Rain at first looking Rain likes to Giari after the following day Rain went to Giari, because of the Giari has a academic farm which is chooseable to Rain. So Rain went there and mixed with them as friendly.   

Sunday, 18 December 2011


Saiful Islam

Night fall comes.
All come here to see nightfall.
All beauty put on my city.
Nightfall comes; fall from duty
A new nickel mettle fives light-
Come to see it and fell to it.
Come! Come! Come from duty;
Today bitter cold wind through our city

Come with nightcap;-
Whole night walking on the street
Please this time is not for sleep.
Come to see the nightfall on the street.
There is no sleep ‘word’ by the way.
Every where nightfair gives light by nickel mettle;
Come and see all the whole night on the street.

You can get good sound from nightingale.
Please don’t sleep on the second period of this night.
A fair going on the city;
Keep your eyes open nightlong.
Although a bitter cold wind follows through our city.
In winter may be you fee bitter cold wind.
Although it is golden for you;
Besides a night are in to the sleep.
Come and see the night long.
Here a bright light building; for night school
You share with them study.
There are some people coming to finish night shift from garments.
Come a group of workers pass you by talking their necessary tropic.

 Study is most important for growing mind
It one kind of medicine of all class people
they do not know there potentiality

Art and culture make a nation
which is real picture of mind
every day we should practice it for building the nation

Friday, 16 December 2011


Saiful Islam

At the middle of day
You came to see near evergreen field
This is the everlasting of word
Evermore your word hears to air.
To day that scene is turned to new
 Moreover it will be same.

At middle of crops field you called me
To meet with a live memory
That was long poem for the past in the paddy field
There has many BagaJoga grass
I like to see with misty with the grass.
So you called me on the ground.
I found there a new picture
Which don’t lost my mind
Now I want to get those pictures
In the field of crops
And I go there again and again to see the picture of BagaJoga.
There is my doubt if I don’t get those
My be fall a bad way with my poems
More and more time I watched those pictures
To day those are stay.
If those are not found; my noxious-



Tuesday, 13 December 2011


By Saiful Islam on Tuesday, December 13, 2011 at 5:15pm
A nice dream wants to meet you
With a touch of love 
Get feeling on your mind.
A blue sari gives you a beautiful dream on that night.
Only lone to move the street then you get it in the middle of the night.

Deep night kobita a poet creates his bag to give dream girl
You make it easily to write it on the night.
I see many events on the walk of village track
To day I don’t forget: 
As like a deep night sacrifice a good feeling to move the way of life
There is a love; which stay in to the cottage of poor
Most cradle to it behind looking site froe love thief.
Keep on it jute neat.

Yea! I look it on the river site which there is no one swim.
At the mid of the day
All are take rest on bed
A few rains fall on the poet's gunny bag
Alone walks of the village tracks.
Love with there and so costly;
Yea! Love only love behind the respect.


Saturday, 10 December 2011

Kalo chador

Kv‡jv Pv`i
jZv, Nvm, dzj, cvZvqÑ
‡j‡M Av‡Q ¯ú©kÑ
AvR ki‡Zi †kl cÖn‡i 
†Zvgvi Aw¯’i gb |
‡Zvgvi `„p ¯’xi c`Pvibv
Avgvq wb‡q hvq †Zvgvi Kv‡QÑ
MnKg© Avi dm‡ji
Avkvq eyK †eu‡a mvg‡bi
w`‡K G¸‡Z mvivþb|
Kjwg wKsev Nvm dz‡ji
Lvwj cv‡q  Avmv hIqv Ñ
fvwi Ab¨iKg:
m¤§v‡bi †Kvb KgwZ w`‡Z bv
eyS‡Z Avgv‡K KZUv Awfgvwb|
gigv wKsev †Wim ‡þ‡Z&ª
‡Zvgvi †Kvb Qvc ivL‡jbvÑ
Zzwg AviI †ekx AwfgvbxÑ
eo‡ekx gvqv nq †f‡e;
cviebv weQv‡Z †Zvgvi Rb¨
Avgvi Kv‡jv Pv`i||

Friday, 9 December 2011

My won way.

My won way
Saiful Islam

At deep night move to the city-
Lot of nice scene feels on the way.
Some are none some are unknown.
But the way of won place –
At the way of full moon gives light to meet you;
 Few moment touch to hart
Again back to life way
Where we meet each other
Today is recalled those days
And give a great poem you and me.


cÖ_g Av‡jv bKkvq eÜz kvxg‡gi C` d¨vkb QwewU  †hfv‡e †cvP w`‡q‡Q †`‡L g‡b nq Pzwc Pzwc  K¨v‡givi mvg‡b G‡m‡Q | †KD Zv‡K †`‡Lwb| GKUz †g‡qwjcbv †`‡L ivR nvmj | Zzwj ZLb G‡m bKkv DjwU‡q †`L‡ZwQj | bKkv‡Z †g‡q‡`i KvR †ewk _v‡K, GRvqMvq G‡m †mI nvm‡Q | Zzwji mv‡_ iv‡Ri Lye wgj ivR GB cÖ_g  Avwe®‹vi Kij Zywj‡KÑ †kvb AvR ivRZzwj w`‡q †Zvgvi Qwe AvuK‡Z B‡”Q Ki‡Q| GB gyû‡Z© †Zvgvi AvuKv eoB Ri“ixÑ
wK †hb g‡b K‡i 2007 mv‡j Zywji GKwU Qwe Gu‡KwQjvg evey †Kv‡j ‡Pv‡L cvwb †dvUvq †dvUvq Mwo‡q co‡Q GiKg `„k¨ †`‡L I wb‡R‡I Pzc n‡q †hZ | A‡b‡K †`‡L‡Q QwewU msiþb Kivi cÖ‡qvRb g‡b Kwiwb | nvwi‡q †M‡Q A‡bK `y‡i –Zvi ci 6 b‡f¤^i evevi g„Z¨y Gme fve‡Z  fve‡Z †Pv‡Li cvwb gyQ‡Z wQj ivR|
meyR cvÄvwe c‡o Kve¨ iv†Ri Kv‡Q G‡m‡Q mKvj AvUUvq| MZKvj iv‡Z †dvb K‡iwQj
wewfbœ mgq ivR Kve¨‡K cÖkœ K‡i eyR‡Z Pvq †Kvb wel‡q Zvi cvi`kx©Zv Ges Ávb MfxiZv| hZevi GKvRUv Ki‡Z wM‡q‡Q GKUv wmÜv‡š— Avmvi KvQvKvwQ gyû‡Z© †m wbi“‡Ïk| †gvevBj eÜ _v‡K | eû w`b c‡i hLb Kve¨‡K f~j‡Z e‡m ZLb GKw`b dRi Gi mgq G‡m nq‡Zv e‡j Avgv‡K  þgv K‡i †`b |Avwg eo AK…ZÁ |Avgvi  LvivexUv eywS - `iRv Ly‡j ivR Amnv‡qi gZ wKQy mgq `vwo‡q _v‡K eo eo †Pv‡L – eo  †Zvkvg` wk‡L‡Q , Mjv‡Z †ev‡S Ggb KvK WvKv †fv‡i †Kvb  Kviev‡i G‡m‡Q  |
 AvR †`L‡Z g‡b nq GK †g‡qi evev eoeo Pzj †Rj †gj wKQy GKUv †g‡L‡Q nq‡Zv †VvU `y‡Uv Kv‡jv |GbvwR© ev‡j¦iRb¨ g‡b nq wKbv Rvwbbv | wcwKDwjqvi eywØmywØ Ii wKQy  w`b _vKvi _vKvi
avÜv Av‡Q g‡b nq | ej‡e m¨vi Avcbvi Kv‡Q A‡bK Ávb , Avwg wKQy wb‡Z PvB Ñ Ggb ej`v ej`v wKQy K_v e‡j ivR‡K GKUv mvBW K‡i †dj‡e | þgv gnr ¸b | iv‡Ri gn†Z¡i ¯úk©UzKz G‡m‡Q
Av`k©Zv †_‡K | ˆkkeUv bw›`Z iv‡Ri | 6ô ‡kbx‡Z Avwe®‹vi K‡iwQj ÔivRÕ ¯‹z‡ji †`qv‡j  ÒAv`k©evb nI Ó – kvwãK †ZR`xßZvq AvRI †ZR¯^x †m | kn‡i eQ‡ii ci eQi †K‡U‡Q ˆbwZKZv weewR©Z K‡g© bq | my‡hvM G‡m‡Q eûevi GKUv gvwR©‡b †i‡L Rxeb‡K Dcjwã K‡i‡Q | ˆkwíKZvi --- ¸b AR©‡b wb‡R‡K mu‡c w`‡q‡Q evi evi | GKUv ïb¨Zv Abyfe wQj e‡U –wK †hb nIqv DwPr wQj Zv nqwb | mgq Lye `&ªZ P‡j hv‡”Q Dcjwã wQj Zvi c‡iI  A‡bK  wKQy Pvucv  c‡o wM‡qwQj Kv‡ji MwZi PvKvq |
¯^b© hyM wb‡R‡K c&ªKv‡ki Lye mnR K‡iB Pjš— wmuwo c_ a‡i mn‡RB  G‡Mvb hvq | Kg©gq w`‡bi †kªô a¨vwbi  i“cvwqZ Rbc‡`  AbygwZ†Z  AbycÖ‡ek ZviB mijZvi cÖKvk | †mB †mŠ›`h¨© gwÛZ Rbc‡` wePibxq Rb‡Mvwô n‡e Kvjfvix G `k©‡b wek¦vmx ivR †n‡m Kve¨‡K ejj me wVK Av‡Q |
 G‡mv |
Avš—wiK fv‡e  ivR ejj , Kve¨ Avgv‡K †h bvgvR co‡Z nq Zzwg wKQy mgq em | bvgvR cov †kl n‡j †Zvgvi mv‡_ K_v eje | m¨vi AvwgI bvgvR coe [PKP‡K †Pv‡L m¨v‡ii w`‡K ZvwK‡q †m †h †Kgb †Kgb Abyf~wZ A‡bK w`b nq‡Zv Ggb mnvm¨ Abyf~wZ cÖKvk Ki‡Z cv‡iwb †m ]
bvgvR cowe gv‡b ,GKUv Acgv‡bi  G†m iv‡Ri nvwm gyLUv Kvj K‡i w`j |dvRjvwg KiwQm Avgvi mv‡_ ?
bv m¨vi , Avwg mZ¨B ejwQ-
AvR Avgvi bvgv‡R `vov‡Z B‡”Q nq|
‡Mvmj nqbv Kw`b?
wVK g‡b †bB m¨vi | Kve¨ f‡q f‡q Reve w`j|
ZzB †h `vuwo‡q `vuwo‡q iv¯—vq P¨vbQ  AviZv ïwK‡q ïwK‡q e` MÜ †ei n‡”Q- GLb Avi †Zvi Mv †_‡K gvby‡li MÜ Av‡m bv | Avi Avj­vn †Kvb cïi Rb¨ bvgvR diR K‡ibwb | †ek wKQy w`b hver GKwU febv ivR‡K Aw¯’I K‡i Zzj‡Q | Bf wUwRs Gi wkKvi †g‡qiv jvwÂZ nIqv Ges AvZœnZ¨vi NUbv cÖvqB GLb cwGKvq †`‡L Zvi Aw¯’iZv †e‡oB Pj‡Q | Avi cwGKv ¸‡jv AvZœnZ¨vi NUbv Ggb fv‡e cÖPvi Ki‡Q †hb AvZœnZ¨vKvix GKRb wn‡iv |
mgvR gv‡b HK¨; AvR †m K_vi evjvB †bB | wef³ mgv‡R G ØvwqZ¡fvi cy‡iv cywi †KD bv ‡bIqvq Ggb Aw¯’iZv |y
Poster wewµ nq | Poster wewµ nq ||
weÁvcb wU iv‡Ri bR‡i coj Lye `yi †_‡KB |Pvi“Kjv Bbw÷wUDU Gi mvg‡b Ggb weÁvcbwU †`‡L iv‡Ri Rvbvi AvMÖn nj | wK ? ev †Kgb ? ai‡bi †cvóvi G¸‡jv| cÖvKw…ZK †mŠ›`‡h© fiv Pvi“Kjv feb cyKzi cvo, eKzjZjv, mvg‡bB KvRx bRi“j Bmjv‡gi mgvwa  †h †Kvb Mwe©Z ev½vwji Abgbvi ¯^cœ f~wg –
‡h gvbylwU weÁvc‡bi wb‡P emv †m gvbylwU‡K A‡bK †Pbv g‡b n‡”Q iv‡Ri Zvi c‡iI fvjK‡I ey‡S DV‡Z cvi‡Qbv |
gvby‡li wKQyUv wfo Av‡Q ILv‡b | Kve¨! AevK ivR, †Pnvivi wK nvj n‡q‡Q Ii | †iv‡` cy‡o Kvj n‡q †M‡Q |



 A frustration hit the age of fifteen. After that almost his education stops. He was logging to his relative to stay in the capital city of Dhaka. He said his wish other people f his locality. One day he comes in Dhaka for the purpose of job. But the job of little education is not closeable of him. About one week he joins in a garment factory. It is not satisfied him. More time he was upset. One day he walks on the Rail road, he think his life condition. One or two month later he wills some problem of money. Now he stays his relative house as a paying guest. Again he decides, he joins hard work but he doesn’t work in garment. There have no time to do any work. After all there has no time to spend on his own way.

A work man took him for electricity work to cut group on the wall. This is really difficult work for him. One of a break hit on his leg previously blood flow on the floor. That night was lot of pain of his mind. One day he wanted to get a good job and his fill well dress, respect ness, other way he is a worthless man. More time he thinks but can not find out any way to progress of life. He thinks that he has no personality. He doesn’t meet any relative with willingly. Already he thinks that he has no way without labouring. Personality is the main subject of Rain he think that properly.

Monday, 5 December 2011

Three poems

AvR `vi“b Aby‡kvPbvq `»
wKQy gyû©‡Zi Ae¨envi
n‡q‡Q Ki“bvg‡qi bvg bv h‡c
me©þb ZviB ¯§i‡b
Áv‡bi PvweKvwV P‡j wReš—
cÖv_©bvi c~e© I c‡ii gyûZ©
‡R¨vwZi Avfv wReš—, gyLgÛ‡j
_vKzK AweK…Z
gûZ© ¸‡jv †hb Kv‡U
‡Zvgvi ¯§i‡b
    GKRb †m
  Avwg wegy» †eŠ‡qi nvwm‡Z
wm‡Ûªjvi  myevZvm mg¯— iRbx‡Z
KLbIev Rbmb Iqvwms‡qi;
gy‡L ïf&ª myN&ªvb
Avwg w`ß †eŠ‡qi; wePþb c`Pvibvq
mywebvm— ‡Kk ivkx
AÜKv‡I ¯’xi wPG mg
i“cvwj Av‡jvi A‡cþvqÕ

e¨¯—Zvq w`bAemvb
msKxY© mg‡qi gyû‡©Zi e¨eavb;
‡g‡b †bq bv G bMix
G N~b©q‡b mevB HK¨Zvb
‡eŠ‡qiI mgvb Q›`-
‡Mvmj ‡k‡l `ycy‡ii gaý †fv‡R;
ZLbI ‡fRv MvgQv Rov‡bv †Luvcvq
fv‡Zi †jvKgv gy‡L
KZ †ivgvw›UK ev½vjx †eŠ Zzwg!
‰Uwe‡ji bv›`bxK †kvfv Zzwg
wbie mßiv‡Mi euvkix Zzwg
Avi Kwei a~mi RM‡Zi GKvKx mw½bx||

Monday, 14 November 2011

The Endo Blog: Consult Along: A Day at Alpharetta Endodontics

The Endo Blog: Consult Along: A Day at Alpharetta Endodontics: Rather than try to have an overarching theme to this post, I will present each of today's patients as each case was complex and each illust...

Sunday, 13 November 2011


         Shonar bala

   ‡mvbvi evjv

D‡Ïk¨nxb hvZ&ªvi cw_K
c‡_i bvMvj cv‡e‡ZvÑ
‡h c‡_ nqwb hvIqv
†hLv‡b hvIwb‡Zv †Kvbw`b
‡n cw_K c‡_i bvMvj cv‡e‡Zv|  
‡KvwU †KvwU gvby‡li mxgv †iLvi f~L‡Û
Zvnv‡`iB gbwbZ cw_K c_ cv‡e‡ZvÑ
Avwg AvR wbie,
  †eŠ‡qi †mvbvi evjvq †PvL ivLvi e¨_© †Póvq
DwÏMœ gb Pviw`K ˆn‰P
QvÎx †eB¾wZ,Avej Zvej wb‡qvM,
`ªe¨g~j¨ Da©MwZ|
cw_K †Zvgvi c_ eK&ª †iLvqÑ
wbZvš— `vq bv c‡i †KD †h c‡_ hvq bv
nvq wbivk
wb¯—ã Kv‡ji KÚ¯^iÑ
N‡ii GKvš— Av‡jvq Qwe Gu‡K Gu‡K
‡h †i‡L ‡h‡Z Pvq;
ïay †Zvgv‡`iI †gV c_
AvR Svcmv †Pv‡L †`Lv nq bv Av‡jv|
AÜKv‡i wejxb me w`K
`ª“Z DVÑ
w`KwewØK `yg‡o gyP‡o
Av‡jvi c‡_ wb‡q P‡jvÑ
wbwla¨ gvZg‡K Dc‡o †dj
‡jvbv ‡dbvq kvYxZ Ki Zievwi
Avwg †mvbvjx evsjvq †PvL ivL‡Z PvB|
Avgvi wejvmx g‡bi Kvivq|
GKvKx wbR©‡b Zvi Kvi“ Kvhgq gyLLvwb
Aa‡ii nvwm;-
‡K‡U Kz‡U me c_ mvd;
bexb c‡_i mvwi mvwi MvQ
dR‡ii AvRv‡b cy‡ei Av‡jv
‡W‡K †Zvjv †eŠ‡qi K¬vwš—nxb †PvL;Ñ
(†`Lvi ‡jvf †jvfbxq gb ) cvi‡ebv w`‡Z?
‡n cw_KÑ
Avwg wek¦vmxÑ
gnv ‡R¨vwZi w`ßx †Zvgv‡Z
Zzwg Zv‡Z Av‡Rv A¤­vb
‡m w؇c Av‡jvwKZ f~eb †`L‡Z PvB
Avwg f½yi bq Movi Kv‡R wjß
ea¨ f~wg‡Z G‡mv, i‡³i `vMÑ
Av‡Rv A¤­vb|
‡R‡M DV Avi GKevi,GKevi
†R‡M DVÑ c‡_i mÜv‡b|
cw_K c_ cv‡eB             
such the way I shall promote my think and view.

MY life

new think of life
every day peep dream on the way of life......