
Sunday 18 December 2011


Saiful Islam

Night fall comes.
All come here to see nightfall.
All beauty put on my city.
Nightfall comes; fall from duty
A new nickel mettle fives light-
Come to see it and fell to it.
Come! Come! Come from duty;
Today bitter cold wind through our city

Come with nightcap;-
Whole night walking on the street
Please this time is not for sleep.
Come to see the nightfall on the street.
There is no sleep ‘word’ by the way.
Every where nightfair gives light by nickel mettle;
Come and see all the whole night on the street.

You can get good sound from nightingale.
Please don’t sleep on the second period of this night.
A fair going on the city;
Keep your eyes open nightlong.
Although a bitter cold wind follows through our city.
In winter may be you fee bitter cold wind.
Although it is golden for you;
Besides a night are in to the sleep.
Come and see the night long.
Here a bright light building; for night school
You share with them study.
There are some people coming to finish night shift from garments.
Come a group of workers pass you by talking their necessary tropic.

 Study is most important for growing mind
It one kind of medicine of all class people
they do not know there potentiality

Art and culture make a nation
which is real picture of mind
every day we should practice it for building the nation

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