
Sunday, 28 June 2015


                                                     HSC MODEL QUESTION -2016
Part A- Grammar (Marks-40)
(Answer any eight questions out of nine)
1. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense. Use the negatives where necessary:-                                                                                            1×5=5
The people (a) ____ in the big cities and towns greatly (b) ____from traffic jam. Their office  activities (c) ____. They (d) ____ their working places in time. Several factors (e)____ responsible for this severe and chronic problem.

2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions:- 1×5=5
Rana is a good boy. He is conscious (a) ______ his studies. He is not indifferent (b)______ his duties. He is also respectful (c) ______his teachers. He is popular (d)______his friends (e)______his good behaviour.
3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) mark where an article is not needed:-
.5 xl0=5
(a) ———– 16th December is (b) ———-red letter day in the history of Bangladesh. On this day, we achieved (c) ———- freedom at the cost of (d) ———- bloody battle and Bangladesh came into (e)———-being and made a place in (f)———-world map as (g) ———- independent country. Every year this day is celebrated in (h) ———- enthusiastic atmosphere. We remember (i) ———-great sacrifice of our heroic sons who died for this country. We also pay (j)———-great tribute to them.
4. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking word from the list.   1×5=5
(a) ———-taking food, we should bear in mind (b) ———-we do not eat just to satisfy hunger (c)———-to fill the belly. We eat to preserve our health. Some people (d) —— live in the midst of plenty, do not eat the food they need for good health (e)— they have no knowledge of the science of health and nutrition.
5. Make meaningful sentences with the following phrases and idioms, (any five)      1×5=5
Beggar description, a dark horse, far and wide, well off, on the sly, skim through, in not time
6. Re-write the following passage in the reported speech. 5
The traveller said to the peasant, “Can you tell me the way to the nearest inn?” The peasant said, “Yes, I can. Do you want one in which you can spend the night?” The traveller said. I do not wish to stay there, but I only want a meal.”
7. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed in brackets:- 1×5=5
(a) My friend invited me to pay a visit to Cox’s Bazar. (Make it interrogative) (b) I gladly accepted the invitation. (Make it passive) (c) When 1 reached there, my friend received me cordially. (Make it compound) (d) I was very glad to see the sea-beach. (Make it exclamatory) (e) It was one of the most memorable journeys in my life. (Make it positive)
8. Fill in the blanks with tag questions:- 1×5=5
(a) Trees are our best friends,———?
(b) We should plant more trees, ———-?
(c) Nobody phoned me that day,———-?
(d) The spot is quite far from here, ———-?
(e) Let us go out for a walk, ———?
9. Complete the following sentences. 1×5=5
(a) As the poor man was hungry——-
(b) The weather was so cold that———-.
(c) Hasib behaves as if———-.
(d) It is high time we———-.
(e) A patriot is respected because———-.
Part-B : Composition (Marks 60)
10. Write a paragraph on “Your College Library” by answering the questions below. 10
(a) What do you mean by a college library? (b) Where is it housed? (c) What is the necessity of a college library? (d) What kinds of books are found in a college library? (e) What is your feeling about your college library?
11. Write a short composition on You Childhood Memories Or, A Journey by Train you
have recently enjoyed.                                                                                                                                            15
12. Write an application to the Principal of your college requesting him/her for permission to set up an “English Debating Club” at your college.                                                                    10
13. Write a dialogue between two friends on the choice of career.                                       10
14. Complete the following story with the cue.                                                                       15
Once there lived a good king in Scotland. His name was Robert Bruce. He loved his country and his subjects very dearly. His subjects had great love and respect for him. One day his enemies attacked his country and drove him away from his kingdom—–


Read the paragraph below and write another paragraph using the information in the paragraph, but changing from ‘I’ to ‘he’.
My name is John Adams and I’m fourteen years old. I usually get up at half past seven and then I go to the bathroom. I have breakfast at a quarter to eight and at twenty past eight I go to school by bus. My classes start at nine o’clock. At half past one I have lunch in the school canteen. I go home at ten past five by bus. When I arrive home, I do my homework and I play computer games and just before dinner I watch TV. I have dinner at twenty past eight with my parents and my brother Peter. After dinner I brush my teeth and I watch TV in the living room. At about ten o’clock I go to bed.

Saturday, 27 June 2015


বড়র পরিচয় বড়তে নয়; ছোটতে ! ছো্ট-ই বড় কে বড় করে তোলে।বড় কে তাই ছোটদের কাছে যেতে হয় বড় হয়ার জন্য। কাজটা অনেকের জন্য কঠিন হয়ে যায় অনেক সময়। ইগো প্রবলেম – আমরা যা বলি। এভাবে ছোটরা বড়দের হাত ধোরে পথ চলা শিখবে। গড়বে সমজ, উন্নত হবে চিন্তায় ও কাজে। জিবনকে খুব কাছথেকে দেখবে ভা্লবাসবে নিজেকে শ্রদ্ধার সাথে। কুন্তু সে পথ রুদধা করে দেয় যদি "বড়"। তাহলে কি করে বড় স্রষ্টি হবে?
পরশ্রীকাতরতা একটা বাংলা শব্দ যা অনেক বড়দের মধ্যে দেখা যায়। যার ফলে ছোটদের নিয়ে চলা আর হয়ে ওঠে না বড়দের। সবাই যদি একই স্থানে বসতে পারত ধর্মস্থানের মত; তাহলে কতই না ভাল হত। সুন্ধর সমাজ গড়ে উঠত, ভ্রাতিতববোধের স্পর্শ পেত মানুষ, মূল্যবোধ জন্মাত।
পাকা ফসল যেমন জমি থেকে আশা করি। তাঁর জন্য কতই না কাজ আমাদের। চাষ, মই, আগাছা দমন, পোকা দমন কত কি। তেমনি মনকে গড়ার জন্য দরকার স্নেহ, ভালবাসা, কান্না,দুঃখ, হতাশা, ব্যর্থতা, আবেগ, শেদ্ধাবোধ ইত্যাদি।

Gerund and conditional

Gerund and conditional
Gerund= verb+ing (noun). Verb এর সাথে ing যোগ করলে তাকে gerund বলে। আর এই gerund কে noun বলে।
a)      Swimming is a good exercise.
b)      Reading book is good for gaining
Conditional: conditional ৩ প্রকার
a.       First conditional: structure=If+ present indefinite+ comma(,)+ future indefinite. If he comes here, I shall help him.
b.      Second conditional: if + past indefinite+ comma (,) + subject+should/would+v-present form +ext. if he came here, I should help him.
c.       Third conditional:  if + past perfect + comma(,) + subject+ should have/ would have + pv- Past participle. If he had come here, I should have helped him.