
Sunday 9 March 2014


A. Write the adjective or verb that is used to form each noun in exercise A Noun
1. actor
2. materials
3. illness
4. discussion
5. honesty
5. fastest
7. ugliness
8. patience
9. robbery
10. ability
B. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) where an articles is not necessary.
Bangladesh is an independent country. We won freedom on (a) ________ December 16, 1971. This freedom was won as (b) _________ result of great sacrifice. (c) _________ great many people laid down their lives for (d) _________ freedom of (e) __________ country. (f) ________ man who loves his country is (g) _________ patriot. (h) ________ real patriot loves his country more than his life. Being a patriot, a man should try to make (i) __________ effort for the welfare and (j) ________ progress of his motherland.
C. Aim in life
D. find out adjective
1.     It is one of the greatest picture.
2.     Bangladesh is the smallest country.
3.     He is the best boy.
4.     No other man in the school so tall as he.
5.     Very few pictures in the place are so fine as it.

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