
Thursday, 19 December 2013


Read the passage below and answer the questions 1-4
Working opportunities for women are very few in rural areas of Bangladesh. They usually spend their time doing their household chores. The ILO recently started a project titled "Technologies for rural employment with Special Reference to Women and Sustainable Development”. The aim of this project is to impart training to rural women in various activities and make them self-reliant.
Sakhina Begum is a beneficiary of this project. She attended a training course on food processing at the Bangladesh Agriculture Research Institute (BARI) at Gazipur. Sakhina has two school-going children. Her husband is a rickshaw-puller who does not earn enough to support-the family and pay for the children's education. From the BARI training course, Sakhina learn how to make jam, jelly, pickles, popcorn and many other food items. Along with her fellow project beneficiaries, she is now producing these items and selling them in the local market. With the proceeds, she is now able to add to her family income. If they continue doing their work, Sakhina and other women working with her will surely see happier days with the new employment opportunities created by the ILO project.

1.    Choose the right word to complete the sentences.
a.    Working opportunities for women in the village are ample/adequate/little.
b.    Sakhina husband draws/carries/takes rickshaw
c.    Woman in village usually spend time in reading children /working in fields/doing domestic works.
d.    The word ‘procedure/profit/procure
e.    The BARI makes research on technology/agriculture/industry.
2.    True/false? if false, give the correct information.
a.    Sakhina Begum sells her products in the capital market.
b.    ILO training is highly beneficial for the rural woman.
c.    Before receiving training Sakhina’s family was well-off.
d.    Sakhina learn how to read and write from the training course.
e.    Sakhina is the mother of two school-going children.
3.    Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the words. You may add any preposition of necessary.
a.    The ILO has started the project (recent).
b.    Sakhina Begum is a (benefit) the project.
c.    (Self-reliant) is the aim of the ILO project.
d.    The ILO training brings (add) income to Sakhina Begum’s family.
e.    Jam, Jelly, etc. are one short of (process) food.
4.    Make a list of five points about the efforts made by Sakhina to improve her lot.

Read the passage below and answer the questions 5-8
Education is the process by which our mind develops through formal learning at an institution like a school, college, or university. It is mental and intellectual training which provides opportunities of growth and helps to meet challenges and overcome obstacles to progress. Again, the purpose of education is to enlighten the individual and develop his/her capacity to the limit. It is also the business of education to train individuals to make the right choices to go ahead. It ennobles our mind and refines our sensibility. It also broadens our outlooks and helps us become aware of our rights and possibilities. According to Newman, education gives a man clear conscious view of his own opinions and judgments, a truth in developing them, eloquence in expressing them and a force in using them”. Therefore, it is often compeer to light which removes the darkness of ignorance and helps us distinguish between right and wrong. Ex-president Julius Nyerere of Tanzania way back in 1974 said at an international conference that the primary purpose of education was the liberation of man from the restrictions of habits and attitudes which limit his humanity. He further said education should promote and humanity and universal brotherhood and that it could be used as a catalyst for a change for the better. How right he was!

5. Write short answers to the questions.
a.    What do you understand by education?
b.    What does education provide?
c.    How does education enlighten the individual?
d.    Why is education compared to light?
e.    Why is education promote humanity and universal brotherhood?

6. Fill in the gaps with suitable words.
The purpose of education is the (a) --- of an individual and the (b) ---- of his/her capacity to the maximum limit. It also (c) ---- an individual to (d) ---- the right in order to go ahead. It makes our mind (e) -----

7. Summaries the importance of education in five sentences.
8. Based on your reading of the passage, make short notes in each of the boxes of the flow chart showing how education impacts on human life.

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