
Friday, 20 December 2013


Character Analysis Banquo

Banquo's role in the original source for Macbeth was as Macbeth's co-conspirator চক্রান্তকারি . In Shakespeare's play, he is depicted instead as Macbeth's rival প্রতিদদ্মি; the role of fellow plotter নাটকের অখ্যান ভাগ passed to Lady Macbeth. Like Macbeth, Banquo is open to human yearnings বলবতি ইচ্ছ and desiresইচ্ছুক: He is, for example, just as keen প্রগাড় to hear শুনে what the Witches নাটকের ণট ভূমিকা have in store for him in Act I, Scene 3. He is kept from sleep by his dreams of the Witches স্বপ্নের মাধ্যমে জানা (Act II, Scene 1). And in his soliloquy নাটকে স্বগতোক্তি at the start of Act III, Scene 1 — "Thou hast ত্বরা it now . . . " — there is more than a hint ইগিত জানান of resentment অসন্তস and, possibly, of the same naked নগ্ন ambition লক্ষ that leads Macbeth astray বিপথে. Nevertheless তথাপি, Banquo is a sympathetic সহানুভূতিশীল figure আকার for several reasons. First, he is ignorant অগ্ম of what the audience মঞ্চ knows concerning বিষয় the murder of the king and of his own impending আসন্ন doom ষেশ বিচার. Second, he is a father whose relationship জাতিত্ব আত্মীয়তা with his son is clearly an affectionate স্নেহশীল one.

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