
Friday 14 December 2012


Model question.23 3no question fill in the blank 1. (prevent) ------ measures should be taken to save wastage of water.> adj (adj + noun) + (A.V + principal verb past participle + preposition + ext. 2. Nowadays life in Dhaka is (differ) -------- from that of the past. > different – adj  adjective বসে nounএর পারথ্ক্য্য বুজ্ঞায় 3. (conscious) -------- People is essential in case of using our resources. >consciousness of  noun  subject হিসাবে noun করা হয়েছে এবং পরবর্তী noun এর সাথে সাম্পরকএস্তাপন করার জন্য of যুক্ত হয়েছে। 4. Nowadays our (entirely) ------ supply of water comes from WASA. > entire  adj  (noun/adj/noun +verb + ext) 5. In the past people’s (rely)----WASA for water supply was not same as this is today.>reliance on  যুগল noun. 6. Increasing  verb continuous form বসেছে। 7. Carefully adv  noun এর ব্যাবহার কেমন হবে তা বুজচ্ছে তাই adb হবে। 8. Using  verb  of , for, By, without + ing 9. Noticed  noun  am, is , are/ was, were + P.V.P.P(passive form) 10. Regarding prep  noun , connect, prep 11. Supplied by  verb passive form sentences. 12. Increasing of  verb  13. Thoughtly adv  (ii) নং নিয়ম অনুযায়ী করা হয়ে্ছে। 14. Difference between  adv  sub +verb +adj + noun + preposition +ext 15. Built  verb  have been / has been + P.V এর past participle. Model question. 25 1. Occasion  nounযউথ N/P হিসাবে adjective বসেছে। 2. Took  verb clause দুটি আলাদা করেছে that R.P তাই adjective এর পরে verb বসেতছে 3. Since  adv – complex sentence হিসাবে since বসেছে(adv) সময় বুজায়। 4.

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